i was supposed to be wearing a linux shirt
there's this fox girl, you see
you may or may not be familiar with the alternative fox mascot for linux. if you're not, there's an entire website where you can find out, and then you can come back here having learned about her
you notice how in a lot of the art on that page she's wearing a shirt that says LINUX on it, usually in green but sometimes also in yellow? at one point i thought of getting one, and then it turned out that they basically don't exist. i'm sure someone somewhere has a shirt like this, but they're not something you can just go out and buy, even on the big t-shirt websites out there
and that's kind of weird! but more importantly, that suggests that i can't just have a LINUX t-shirt and wear one, which kinda sucks! for the longest time i just kinda acquiesced to this reality but recently, one day, i simply got the urge to design a LINUX shirt. and so i did
(but i can't, like, show pictures of them or anything, because they're in some sort of delivery limbo. i dunno. but they exist, i promise)
they're currently not publicly available - i'm treating the first couple as a test run of sorts. if they're alright, i might make them publicly available somehow, at some point.
no promises on followup, though. they're mainly for my own closet cosplay
update 2023-08-08: shirt real after all