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blog updates

this is mostly meta

well, hello again! i've got another update tonight

i was looking at the blog on another device and thought that the text column looked a bit wide. ended up making it narrower, as well as converting max-width to use the px unit. previously it was em, which meant that width was based on font size, which... i didn't really want.

oddly, this seems to behave differently on different platforms. current firefox on windows desktop refuses to widen the column zooming in, esr firefox on linux widens the column while zooming in. dunno what's up with that.

additionally, all these posts and index pages now include some rudimentary microformats2 markup. that means that if you, i dunno, want to programmatically determine the tags in here, you can just use a microformats2 parser instead of doing it manually. not that it's that hard manually either. i just thought to add it because it would be easy.

i'm gonna try to get the email sorted out, maybe not for next time but soon enough.

been listening to the beths pretty much nonstop since that last post a few hours ago,