june is knife month
i forget where i learned this but i'm always thinking about it
hello and happy june
i've been quiet again for something like a month - i had something planned for the end of last month but i also have a tendency to just not do things. it happens
my continuing music preoccupations, events etc
still been listening to a lot of the beths but been also diversifying it a bit. the song currently stuck in my head is Be Gone by sea power. i find myself singing the chorus after waking up and at random times.
as i noted last time i woulda liked to go to emfcamp but, well, i didn't. might end up going to WHY instead, next year, and as for this year's events i guess i might be at assembly like last year? other things i've been considering are nova (not this year's nova, mind, since i can't make it to devon by tomorrow) and i guess the next emf in a couple years.
getting to the point
anyway, what i really came here to say was that i've got a new post in the works. a series of posts, in fact!
if you've looked a the website these posts go on in the past... idk how long honestly, you might have noticed there's a "series" link up there behind which there are exactly zero of series. well, there's gonna be one, soon, and i think it'll be interesting to write about. i started already but didn't get it into shape in time and wanted to split out the meta-y segment anyway.
if you're interested in the python programming language, you may be interested in seeing the post i've got planned! and if not, the beauty of this web site is that you can simply not read things if you don't like them.
the new post will hopefully come out, like, this week, with the rest of the series following soonish. it's about topics i've thought a bunch about recently so i'd best write it while it's still fresh.
in closing
oh yeah and that title bit? a few years ago i saw a picture of a blackboard sign with "JUNE IS KNIFE MONTH" written on it. ever since i've thought about how june is knife month. my fascination with this phrase might be due to my affinity for knives.
anyway, that's all for this entry. hope to see you soon, by which i mean mostly that i hope i get around to writing that got dang post soon enough to actually post it soon.
mwah kisses etc