fuckin' nya or whatever
been up to things again
(gestures to the post title)
i'd say this blog is on semi-hiatus but that doesn't really differ from how i've been running it in literally any month since august 2023 so i'm not gonna say this blog is on semi-hiatus.
i've been. doing other stuff i guess.
the promised python series? i dunno if i'm making that, or if i am, it might be going on a completely different website. i'm planning to make one of those, and to adapt the blog generator used here to be something a bit more generic. it would already support making anonther website, i just... might need some features i'm not using here, and the templating for some things isn't Great
so, yeah, it's much the same as it was a bit over a month ago - i've not felt like writing. except tonight i had the idea to make a post with this title, so i did
i have been up to some things that are worth mentioning, though. recently a friend watched bocchi the rock, which made me watch bocchi the rock. and i've now watched it! neat.
i gotta say... i'm not actually sure i have very many strong opinions on the story of the series itself. it was a fun watch, though i am wont to feel bad when characters are Embarrassed, which is a huge part of what the titular character gets up to. maybe i'm still mulling over how i feel about the series
something i did not need any extra time to figure out if i liked it was the music, though. i've been listening to bocchi the rock music for a good while now, i really like the opening, i really like the Asian Kung-Fu Generation covers. and it turns out their cover of morning light falls on you is on the album "Kessoku Band" and their cover of Re:Re is on "Re:Kessoku Band" so i just ordered those cds. didn't get them yet, but they're here Pretty Soon!
in further music matters i've also been listening to a bunch of Poets of the Fall, or at least thinking about listening to a bunch of Poets of the Fall, and just the other night realised that oh yeah i can just get their cds. especially the older ones are readily available used. so i'm ordering those too. soon i can listen to uhhh. Lift, and War, probably, and something else. My Dark Disquiet? i do like Poets of the Fall.
(and also recently i learned there was a Black Dresses album released earlier this year and i just didn't hear about that for some reason?)
i expect the next post will also take like a month or two