information about this site
this is... my blog!!! i'm one of those computer touchers you hear about. when i was young a devil cursed me to want to be using computers constantly, even though i often feel really bad about how computers are these days.
i post somewhat irregularly (as you can see) about whatever i happen to be doing and thinking about. often i avoid going into too much detail on a subject not merely because i feel like it's too much personal information but also because, to be honest, my posts are already Pretty Long As Is. probably better that i set some limits for myself like that!
there's no social media contacts here, for now. i don't really do that much public social media posting, anyway, and if you know me you're probably already following my account somewhere. however, if you want to send me comments on this blog specifically, you can point them towards heptagram-agency+blog@protonmail.com. that address is only used for this blog, so i can't promise to be reading it too regularly, but i will try to read it more often than i post on the blog.
if you want to see what kind of things i'm generally doing, you can check the "now" page in the link bar above