what was i generally up to around when i updated this page
things i'm thinking of that aren't activities
- getting back on irc
- there's an activity adjacent to this though
- barcodes
- i bet you could cross-stitch data matrix codes, then slap them on like velcro backing to make little 2d barcode patches
- these are also relevant to cataloguing my stuff
regular activities
- wanikani and bunpro
- i don't feel qualified to comment on their educational efficacy but they're a simple enough a routine to get into
- honestly, like, video games
- moving stuff around, cleaning, that sort of thing
less regular activities
- photographing birds
- less regular now - i've decided against making a photo series of this
- planning stickers
- no updates on these yet
- developing my own backup software solution because i can't not reinvent the
- still mostly in the Thinking Phases
- making my own irc client
- yes, this is a bad idea, especially if my goal is to use irc and not write an irc client
- on the other hand it's not the most difficult thing i suppose?
- haven't made progress on this recently
- cataloguing system
- the software projects do not stop proliferating
- this one's becoming more relevant
- trying to catch up on my reading backlog
- accidentally just rereading books ive already read
- recently i've made some progress with my magazine piles at least
- writing blog posts
- well, you can see the progress of this by looking
kinda fallen off
- making postcard sized paintings, occasionally, in paint marker
- on the other hand i've since then painted a few bookmarks