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steam deck's still cursed

tough luck, i guess

i mentioned uncursing the steam deck previously, and those battery problems are definitely gone, now. that did work as expected!

regrettably, the crashes continue, and in fact i don't think i've still had even one discharge cycle without having the device crash multiple times. not that it needs to be discharging - it just crashed five times tonight while powered from the external power supply. i've attempted a whole number of things people claim have fixed issues for them (and a lot of them were quite reasonable, like "reimaging the steam deck" which should fix any software issues resulting from a chegged up install) but none of it has worked.

there still doesn't seem to be any obvious reason for these crashes, but i have to say that it's looking a lot like a hardware issue. if it were a software issue, i'd expect more people to have commented on it online! but it looks like i'm experiencing either some kind of issue that nobody else is, or other people are simply not following my weird usage patterns and therefore think this issue is caused by specific games. who knows.

at any rate i expect to return this for a warranty replacement. very frustrating, considering this was a refurbished unit! it's very peculiar that a refurbished unit, one that's ostensibly been checked to work, seems to crash every boot if you simply keep it turned on for a hour or two.

but i did know that steam hardware is always kinda janky, perhaps this is just part of the experience.