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i'm a notebook liker

and i have way too many of them

well, i've been quiet for a few days and i might as well fix that - here's something that i had an outline of in my drafts.

i'm really into notebooks. not as objects of art or as things to simply own, but instead as things that i keep thinking up purposes for, acquiring, and then failing to use them for that purpose. i keep diaries, todo lists, things that are somewhat like diaries but not entirely, descriptions of methods of how to do things on computer, notebooks that i've bought because i wanted to write something down, notebooks that i carry around in my backpack just in case... i've just got a lot of them.

some of this is just becuase i like having notebooks, sure, but i usually like having them because i think there's a purpose to be invented for a good notebook. for instance, recently i got an enormous A4 size notebook and had relatively little plan for what to do with it until i already had it. i've got plans for it, and even some text in there now, but it's still a bit... flimsy.

but really the main thing is what i mentioned before: i get a notebook and then don't use it. i like keeping diaries but often i just forget to do it, and then i don't want to skip a day so instead i make backlogs and eventually the backlogs get so long that it's not even really anything approaching a diary even if i can piece together a description of whats going on. it's one thing to write yesterday's entry today and a whole other thing to try to remember what happened because in june i skipped writing for two weeks and that paralysed my diary-keeping so bad that i only got back to it until i decided that no, i really do need to just skip two and a half months worth of days or i will never write in a diary again


i guess in some ways this blog is a bit like those new notebooks? i still am exploring what to do with it. i kept thinking for the longest time that what i really need is a blog, but now that i've had one for a couple months, i'm still coming up with ways to use it.

the most recent notebook purchase i made was a big a4 (or larger than a4?) leuchtturm1917 one, with ruled pages. ruled pages because it's for writing - i knew that was going to be it - and leuchtturm1917 because i know from their experience that the paper doesn't bleed through. i use all sorts of no-name brand notebooks too, and the leuchtturm1917 ones are really atrociously expensive imo, but for a couple years now i've been using a fountain pen and a lot of cheaper paper just isn't built for them. either they scratch, or the ink bleeds through, or the paper starts feathering. i know these ones work with my pen. (if you have any other suggestions make sure to email me, uhhh, once i decide on an email host and put a comments email here!)

as i said, i had little idea for what to do with it, but currently what i'm doing is a kind of a more long-term, more reflective thing than a diary, where i can just look at a weekend or something and go "wow that sure was a fucked up weekend, huh" without really hanging onto specific days like i'm otherwise wont to. i also intend to do some light cataloguing of stuff i own, and use the notebook as a staging ground of sorts, as well as a means of keeping track of when i actually get around to doing a thing i was meant to do.

on that last point especially, i often joke to myself that i can only get one thing done per day, or two things done per week, or something like that. now, that's obviously not literally true for many useful definitions of "getting a thing done", but i do really have quite severe issues with executive dysfunction. peep at that note in the first part of this post about writing in a diary for an example. as such, i do kinda both want to know how many larger accomplishments than "didn't forget to eat food" i can get around to doing in a week or a month, so it makes sense to make little margin notes about those in the book alongside the actual text content.

i should also remember to write there more often

in things going on with me: i've been listening to a bunch of Sea Power, i guess? they're the people who did the soundtrack to Disco Elysium and a lot of the tracks on that OST were takes on songs they'd released before. some i keep having stuck in my head include Cleaning Out the Rooms (and a later take on the same theme called Red Rock Riviera) as well as Fire Escape in the Sea, a song that was released after the Disco Elysium OST but is apparently based on an earlier demo. it's basically the vocals version of the Whirling-In-Rags theme from the game, though.

no links, today - i'd usually link to youtube or spotify but i'm not really feeling it. you can go find the songs by those names if you like.

insofar as housekeeping for this blog goes: i still haven't decided on an email host. i'd be lying if i said i was working on it, because i haven't really thought about it. i haven't been verey busy but i will be very busy for the next several months if i get really unlucky, so i might not really get around to thinking about it, either.

i'm still planning to add a comments-via-email feature here once i get the chance, though, so look forward to that i suppose. other than that, i'm planning to maybe make another website, or perhaps to put some other stuff here than just a blog.