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what was i up to in october anyway

simultaneously a lot of things and not that many things

whoof so i figured i might as well do another update post here since i'm having thoughts. its not the end of october but it's close enough,

so, first of all - hi and welcome back. we're still here. i hope i'll get back into a groove with writing in december once most of this should be done with, but it's... fine. i don't feel quite as much like im dying as i felt the last time. which was a lot, to be clear! whoof!

this post is going to be segmented into a bunch of small... segments. i guess that's something i've been doing anyway.

i've found some new routines to help me to either lose my mind, or to not lose my mind. one of these is that i've been regularly doing photography! it's actually kind of weird how much just keeping a camera with me constantly is making me take pictures.

now, i suppose i always have a camera with me in my phone, but as you may know, phone cameras tend to be quite wide angle. that's not really my vibe, i'm doing much better with what you might think of as a "normal" lens, or a telephoto. they allow me to actually capture details in things i see around. and it's fun!

i'm thinking of putting my pictures up somewhere, but i think this place doesn't really have the storage for it. i have some ideas on where to go with that, though! might be getting some kinda storage only solution... mostly for backups, but perhaps also image hosting.

talking of backups, i've been looking a bit at restic which is a command line backup program that involves creating repositories, then pushing backups into them where they get stored in a way that reminds me of git's storage - it's all blobs and packs and trees and indices, very neat!

and i might even use it, except that every time i look at the program i get this urge to reimplement it from scratch! that's a real problem that i get with some limited amount of things i see in the world and for some reason this piece of backup software is one of those things. we'll see if i actually do reimplement it... but i do need some more automated backup solution. my current setup is kinda bad since it involves trying to remember which files i've backed up manually

unrelated to backups, however, the other week i saw some people talking about the book Unmasking Autism elsewhere, so i decided to get it from a library. it's a good book, i think. most of the substance of it isn't really revelatory to me, but there's a bunch of interesting stuff in there. could definitely recommend it if you're interested in a take on autism written by an autistic person interviewing a bunch of other autistic people, etc.

my funny one sentence summary of it is "guide for being more autistic on main"

update on that steam deck situation: it does just seem to work now. i've been too busy to really use it a lot but i've played a bit more of racing lagoon. should perhaps play that halo 2 as well.

for a while i thought my racing lagoon save might be corrupted, but it turned out i just needed to update the emulator. dunno what was going on there but it works pretty much perfectly now

for the rest of the meta... uhh, still no email address or any of that. see previous few posts for what i'm planning to do

mwah mwah im going back to bed (in reality i was in bed while writing this the whole time)