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further further development on the blog software

we've got, uh, months now!

like last time, ive been updating this thingy!

i've got a lot of the meta stuff i wanted here now: a top bar linking to an about page (with barely any content), a months page (where there is exactly one month, but in my defense that's just because it's only been less than a month), and a tags page (which lists tags which i last mentioned)

i'm still missing contact details... those will go on the about page, eventually, i suppose. otherwise i'd be soliciting comments on what to change here.

anyway, it turns out that that's most of the features on my todo list for the blog software! (the remaining ones are pagination and comments, neither of which seems very urgent) so now i can get blogging! uh, if i have things to say other than "wow, i'm making blog software". stay tuned, or not! i might just end up tweaking things here.

and speaking of tweaking things? i put a lot of middle dots everywhere. see if you can spot them all!

oh, and unrelatedly, i did eventually get those linux shirts that i mentioned before. they turned out fine! compared to the cathodegaytube ones which i also mentioned before the text is slightly different (my us are somewhat different) so you can tell them apart if you ever see me wearing one. if you want one, go see that redbubble - that design's good, and i won't be putting mine up anywhere.