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over the worst of it

no promises, though

well, well, it's... sure been a fall and early winter, huh. remember when over two months ago, at the beginning of october, i said i was losing my fucking marbles? well... i've finally finished most of the things causing that. got a little bit of breathing room until the second week of january, or something.

i've... kept up my photography hobby. through some miracle. it's trouble at the best of times, but we're in the zone where sunlight hours are between 9am and 3pm, which as you can understand is less than ideal for going outside and taking photographs. if i want to get any decent light i'd have to be outside by noon when i'm usually otherwise occupied.

haven't continued doing the paintings i mentioned i was doing in november, though that's mostly because of the same stuff as everything else. i guess the thing that's saved photography is that i mostly do it when i'm already going outside for other reasons? i could definitely recommend keeping a camera with you if you want to get into that sort of thing. you start looking at things to take pictures of.

haven't... really, like, honestly i think most of what i've been up to since the previous post here has just been trying to survive with my fucking, silly little psychologically debilitating trials and tribulations. i feel no significant relief now that those are done, either! which isn't great, but it is how it is. coping mechanisms take time to grow out of, and the last month has been primarily about getting that thing done so that i don't have to ever think about it again in my life

good grief

at any rate, i'm gonna try to be back here a little more, like i was in august. if i get any of my projects going i'll mention the progress on them, perhaps?

just thought it was worth giving this kind of update.